Daily 2020
Daily 2020 (3/13/2020 -3/14/2021)
11” x 14 Rives BFK - India ink, pen and ink, acrylic, graphite.
Project in process. Year long daily project started Friday the 13th of March, 2020 as quarantine began. The drawings started as a way to make visible what I could not see, the process initially intended to be coronavirus drawings. As the days and weeks passed the drawings remained grounded in their initial intention while also expanding in meaning, scope and personal function. Source imagery is derived from a response to objects I observe daily on walks , botanical specimens, imagined microscopic tendencies, and photographs and poems shared with me by friends and collaborators.
The entire collection of drawings will be included as part of a large solo exhibition at the von Auesperg Gallery in Sept 2021.
contemporary drawing, daily drawing practice, coronavirus drawing project, drawing installation
(drawings photographed by John Polak)